Black Sun Ensemble - Sky Pilot
Artist: Black Sun Ensemble (
Black Sun Ensemble released Sky Pilot in 1999. This album takes them back to their heavy rock oriented sound that they introduced on Elemental Forces in 1991*. Some of the songs on this album sound very similar to those that were on the 1991 release. The album kicks off with an assorted suite of songs that keeps you wondering how the album is going to settle in. On "Sky Pilot Suite: Dove Of The Desert/Clear Yellow Days/Dad Is Gaga/Bleeding Heart..." the tone and style never remains constant, its ever changing, and the only consistency is that each track in the suite is different than the one you just heard. The group shows the many faces that they wear, and decidedly off color musical styles.
The trademark Jesus Acedo and Odin Helgison guitar is prevalent throughout this recording. Although the acoustic guitar is beautiful and very exact, I prefer when the group cuts loose and rocks. They seem to be more focused and comfortable in that setting. When they mellow out it seems too restrained. This album has a first-rate evenness once the first track has gone through its paces. If you really liked the landmark album Elemental Forces you will find this to be a very exciting and an enjoyable listen. BSE will never make it big; they will always be a cult group with a devoted following waiting breathlessly for each subsequent release. I happen to be one of those devoted listeners that have always immensely enjoyed their musical contributions. This is hard music to pigeonhole; you just can’t, because it is so different. In the end… that’s what makes it so appealing and desirable to have.
* In a previous review (5/13/01) I referred to this album as being released in 1992. Reckless Records released it in 1991.
©"Keith "MuzikMan" Hannaleck MAY 21, 2001 and Elemental Forces as well as Hymn of the Master and each of these releases is highly recommended CLICK ON ARTIST'S NAME ABOVE OR . . .
Camera Obscura Records
Title: Sky Pilot
Label: Camera Obscura Records (
More info here: Black Sun Ensemble's web-pyramid-site
Genre: Psychedelic Rock
02. Staying Power
03. Moby Worm
04. Dove Of The Desert
05. Dangerous Pussy
06. Cherokee Mist
07. 667
08. Children Look Like Burnt Paper
09. Blues For Rainer In C Minor
10. It's Not The End Of The World
11. Baby Serpentine Love Sea
12. Lord Of The Fleas
13. The Hanger
14. Whirlpool Ocean Editor's notes:
I own BSE's Lambent Flame
acid-psychedelic-cultic rock with great axe-work!
I'd have to rate Lambent Flame the most
essential of early BSE releases. Good luck finding them all!
To purchase this recording and get more info, soundclips, etc. and QUIK-LINKs
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go to my LINKS page and find the vendors' section.
Happy hunting!
Observe how the word
wheel reverses direction
if you try and read words.