Julien Kasper: Flipping Time |
2003, Toulcat Records, TR01 |
CyberHome: http://www.JulienKasper.com |
Flipping Time from Julien Kasper and company is a straight-ahead, instrumental blues album featuring the guitar work of Julien Kasper. The purist blues arrangements are sculpted using clean-toned electric guitar set to classic Moog-sounding keyboards reminiscent of Jimmy Smith, acoustic and clean-toned electric bass, and conventional, bluesy percussionry. The guitar work is a combination of bluesy chordal phrasings, riffs, theme lines, and soloing that span a range of blues territory.
Kasper's blues arrangements venture into different moods and feels of the blues paradigm, such as funk blues, walking bass major blues, slow minor blues, Hendrix Third Stone / SRV Lenny tremolo blues, SRV Dirty Pool blues, and the Jimmy Smith Chicken Shack ramblin' blues. His playing in these different blues styles demonstrates a good grasp on the funk, feel, and mojo involved for the various blues variants that he explores. Kasper's playing is pretty articulate and precise in voicing out the blues phrasings that he pulls from his wide repertoire. His stretches, vibratos, tremolo, and fingering of notes consistently resolve on good notes and achieves his desired affect without any imperfections in these types of effects.
Overall, Julien Kasper's Flipping Time is a solid blues effort that features some fine work on both guitar and keyboards. However, hardcore blues fans looking for blues playing on the level of SRV, Scott Henderson, and Gary Moore, might feel like this effort comes up a little short when measured against that class of players. Even so, the music on this CD is good enough that even discriminating blues fans should find this CD enjoyable and will appreciate the purist, roots blues approach of Julien Kasper.
~ Christopher Ruel ~ www.ChrisRuel.com ~ Chris@ChrisRuel.com ~ November 2003 |
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