Francois Breant Sons Optiques Sons Optiques is a re-issue of Francois Breant's first album with two new compositions added. If my French is any good at all, the title means "without pictures." That would be a good thing because this irritating music evokes images of a gasoline-covered cat playing with matches. It might also mean "without vision." the puns are flying too fast and furious to even venture there. Reading this, one might get the impression that this music is not pretty. One would be right. This is bad avant-garde. The dissonance is not even good enough to be called bad. On a scale of 1 - 10, this gets a (5). - Jim Brenholts EER Editor's note: This collection is strictly a completists only recording as it indeed pushed all the wrong buttons in my head and I quickly unplugged all the foreign patch cords that attempted to strangle me upon spinning this disc my first listen, Gladly, it was but a bad flashback to other odd-ball, electronic experimental recordings I encountered as a young man in the vinyl cut-out bins of musty basements in decaying stores of some Georgetown, DC LP vendor . . .
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